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 1. Dave Brubeck  Dave Brubeck describes the difficulty of getting a phone after WWII.  Oral History 
 2. Dave Brubeck  Dave Brubeck describes when he performed for Mikhail Gorbachev.  Oral History 
 3. Dave Brubeck  Dave Brubeck describes how Joe Morello joined his quartet.  Oral History 
 4. The Front Row  Dave Brubeck  The Front Row 12-01-06 
 5. Bronwyn Edwards Cryer with band  Blue Rondo - Dave Brubeck  Grandissimo 
 6. Dave Brubeck  Dave Brubeck talks about playing at the Band Box club.  Oral History 
 7. Dave Brubeck  Dave Brubeck discusses meeting Stan Kenton for the first time.  Oral History 
 8. Dave Brubeck  Dave Brubeck talks about the inspiration for Blue Rondo a la Turk.  Oral History 
 9. Dave Brubeck  Dave Brubeck talks about when he told his parents of his ambitions to be a musician.  Oral History 
 10. Dave Brubeck  Dave Brubeck discusses his move from Fantasy to Columbia Records.  Oral History 
 11. Corrado Pensa  2001-07/06 Difficulty In Life, Difficulty In Practice   
 12. George Hageman  Food of WWII  Military History Podcast 
 13. Alex Jones  2007 08 03 IBM supported WWII eugenics.  The Alex Jones Show 
 14. David Martin Davies  Germans Interned in Texas during WWII   
 15. WWII News Broadcasts  WWII News Japanese Surrender  WWII News Japanese Surrender 
 16. Arr. by G.Moltoni  In your own sweet way - D.Brubeck   
 17. daverabbit  Dave Rabbit Salutes Dave-O, Bob, Frank And The Other Brave Members Of The Fighting 15th  Radio First Termer - From Saigon, Vietnam 1971 To Baghdad, Iraq - Coming To A War Near You! 
 18. XTC  When You're Near Me I Have Difficulty  My Father's Place or Hurrahs - NYC   
 19. XTC  When You're Near Me I Have Difficulty  -   
 20. XTC  10 When You're Near Me I Have Difficulty  Capitol Theatre - Sydney, Australia - September 7, 1980 
 21. XTC  When You're Near Me I Have Difficulty  April 17, 1981 - Cherry Hill, NJ   
 22. Lloyd deMause  Chapter 6 - The Childhood Origins of WWII and the Holocaust  The Origins of War in Child Abuse 
 23. Judy Campbell  Berkeley Rep Revives a WWII Children's Opera  KQED, The California Report 
 24. Thavius Beck  Dedicated To Difficulty  Thru 
 25. Boltoph  Technical Difficulty  Unknown Album 
 26. Fumio Ito  Rush a Difficulty 2006 Arrange Ver.  OutRun 20th Anniversary Box 
 27. Fumio Ito  Rush a Difficulty 2006 Arrange Ver.  OutRun 20th Anniversary Box 
 28. WILL Public Media  WWII Oral History: Ralph Woolard interview, July 19, 2007   
 29. Eric Maisel  Joy Of Living Creatively Episode 002 Fearing Difficulty  Personal Life Media 
 30. Chris Scott  UK Wine Show 27 Mt Difficulty Michael Herrick  UK Wien Show 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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